The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.
As the Israelites see the Egyptian army approaching they are afraid. They start to look back to their slavery as if they were better off back there. They are complaining. All of this is coming after the plagues and the miraculous exodus from their captivity. They have seen God's power and His response to their cries and yet they are now fearful, ungrateful and wanting to go back. What is God's response? We might expect:
"Fine, you've had your chance, go back to slavery"
"Is this how you act after I've done so much for you?"
"I wish I'd never bothered, this is like a slap in the face"
"If you want me to get you out of this one, you'd better sort your attitude out"
Instead, God tells Moses to calm the fears of the people. "The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."
Even though we, like the Israelites, so easily forget God's grace, He is still gracious.
Even though we, like the Israelites, do give God a "slap in the face" by our ingratitude, He is still gracious.
Even though we, like the Israelites, don't deserve it, He is still gracious.
Even though we, like the Isaraelites, will do it again, He is still gracious.
The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.