Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12) v11 says that they fell down and worshipped Him. These wise men were probably not worshipers of God before this encounter, they were probably followers of other religions, more likely to be worshipping other gods. So they were worshiping something else and now they are worshiping Jesus. What changed? They encountered Jesus. Changing the focus of your worship happens when you see who Jesus is and what He has done.
The almighty creator God doesn't look at the mess we're n and tell us to sort ourelves out, but he came to earth as a man, live a perfect life, died in our place for our sins, was resurrected to conquer death. That's why the angels burst through and couldn't contain their worship, that's why the woman who had been worshipping God for years started singing a new song of praise, that's why the wise men started worshiping Jesus instead of idols, that's why the shpeherds went back to their workplace rejoicing. That's the God we need to see more of.