"[God's kingdom is ] an ‘upside-down’ kingdom.
Many kingdom texts talk the reversal of values in Jesus’ kingdom (Luke 6:20ff.) in which the poor, the sorrowful, and the persecuted are above the rich, recognized, and satisfied. Why would this be? It is because Jesus emptied himself of his glory. Though he was rich, he became poor. Though he was a king, he served. Though he was the greatest, he made himself the servant of all. He triumphedover sin not by taking up power but by sacrificial service. He ‘won’ through losing everything.
This is a complete reversal of the world’s way of thinking, which values power, recognition, wealth, and status. The gospel, then, creates a new kind of servantcommunity, with people who live out people with a whole alternate way of being human. Racial and class superiority, accrual of money and power at the expense of others, yearning for popularity and recognition--all these things are marks of living in the world, and are the opposite of the mindset of the kingdom."
Tim Keller, Dwelling in the gospel (read, listen or download here, or watch here)